Kaleidescape: Bringing the Premium Movie Server Home for a Demo

When offered the chance to live with a Kaleidescape system for a month, I thought it would be fun to compare the premium Kaleidescape media server/player combo and a more mass-market streaming device like Apple TV. Not being an audiophile or tweaky video guy, maybe I would see the quality differences or maybe I wouldn’t. […]

Pearl TV, MediaTek Introduce ‘FastTrack to NEXTGEN TV’ for New Smart TVs and Devices  

Pearl TV Next Gen

Pearl TV, the coalition of U.S. broadcast companies transitioning to NEXTGEN TV, and MediaTek have launched ‘FastTrack to NEXTGEN TV,’ a program that accelerates and streamlines the path for adoption of NEXTGEN TV technology by consumer electronic makers producing smart TVs and related devices at volume. NEXTGEN TV is a free, over-the-air service available to […]